Member-only story
Fridge Fight
Do you bite your crumb at us, sir?

I did witness quite a sight
Returning from the grocery store:
A disheveled scene, a ripened fight
Left the fridge basted in war.
It started with the Surly beers,
They shoved peach Yogurts to the back.
Knowing well they’d be forgotten —
They took it as a personal attack.
One young custard whisked up top and
Let out its gurgling, dairy cry
To engage their reinforcements in
The cheese drawer, under Apple Pie.
A squad of Mozza Sticks strung up
Advancing toward spicy Ortega,
When suddenly condiments rained from above —
Flinging them a-Weyauwega.
The crusty caps of ketchup broke
Upon the rinds of cheddar blocks
As Sergeant Syrup found himself
Stuck to a pack of salmon lox.
Major Mustard, having seen enough
Slipped down to save his ketchup friend
But Tomatogues rushed to the scene —
Their kin they knew they must defend.